Life Stages and Auto Insurance

gadis cantik

Young Drivers - Car insurance for young drivers is the most expensive insurance available based on life stage. Untested, under-practiced teens are charged the most due to the unpredictability of the young driver.

Single Drivers - Insurance companies usually lower the auto insurance premium once a driver demonstrates a solid safety record. The first time you will see a rate decrease with most companies will be at the age of 21. You will see your next rate reduction occur when you turn 25 or get married.

Single Parents - Many companies offer a lower insurance rate for single parents. When a parent drives with a child in the car they are statistically less likely to get into an auto accident.

Married Drivers - Married drivers receive a rate reduction due to the statistical decrease in risk when two people and two sets of eyes are on the road. Even if one driver becomes distracted momentarily, another adult in the vehicle is able to alert the driver to trouble on the road.

Senior Drivers - The car insurance rate table includes minor, periodic rate increases after an adult reaches the age of 55. As people age, reflexes become slower and eyesight is less accurate
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